Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Dirty Mouth!

Anna Dixon has a not so clean mouth these days. Lately she has been running a low grade fever on and off with no other symptoms, and I'm guessing this is why...The other day we found her face down in Sadler's water bowl drinking the water! THEN the next day...Tommy walked into the bathroom and found her giggling as she swirled her pacifier around in the toilet!! YIKES! I'm going to have to keep my eye on my adventurous yet not so sanitary bunnykins!

cause two paci's are better
than one...don't worry this was
 taken pre toilet incident!


  1. But she's building immunities! ;)

    Love to see how she's growing up!

  2. ha! i caught my two year old dipping her fingers in the toilet and licking them. (she also does this with my diet coke, and i thought THAT was harmful??) :)

    your daughter is precious
